Best WordPress Themes for Blogs

Subject: Best WordPress Themes for Blogs

Hey friends,

Are you struggling to select perfect WordPress theme for your blog?

If Yes

This article is for you.

Normally, selecting perfect theme for WordPress blog as a beginner is a difficult task because of the lot of factors should consider to select a well compatible theme for blog based on the niche.

So In this post, I will explain you complete details about factors you should consider while selecting a WordPress theme for your blog and How to select well apt blog theme for your website.

Let’s roll your eyes over the content.

Highlights of the article:

  1. Important Checklist of WordPress theme
  2. List of Best WordPress theme for your blog


1. Important Factors you should check to find Best WordPress theme for your Blog:

1.Multi-purpose look

While selecting the WordPress theme, check whether it is multi purpose theme or not. Selecting WordPress theme with multi purpose will help you to use the theme for different websites at single cost

2.Pre-built templates:

Prebuilt templates are designed layout prebuilt by the Theme developers which helps you to save time just importing the templates that’s suits your requirement.

Wp astra prebuilt templates preview
WP Astra prebuilt templates preview

3.Light Weight Theme:

Light weight themes means WordPress themes with fast loading speed even though having huge graphics. To attract the users, graphics and advanced animations are mandatory, but some themes with advanced animations and graphics are very fat and lazy to load fast. So check the WordPress theme whether it is light weight or lazy dog.


Customizability gives you comfort in molding your themes look according to your taste and judgement. Select WordPress theme without customizability will lock your designing and creative thinking. So make sure to select the WordPress theme with customizable feature.


Compatibility is  another vital factor you should check with the WordPress theme. Some WordPress themes are not compatible with all major page builders like Elementor, WP Bakery, Divi-builder and Beaver builder etc., Selecting WordPress theme with multiple page builders will give the freedom to explore great features such as Animations, creative pop ups etc.,

Having above mentioned features makes your WordPress themes perfect for any types of blog niches which engage the users.

Lets scroll through the list of BEST WORDPRESS THEMES for BLOGGERS  available in the market in the following section.

1.WP Astra-Best for Most blogger:

astra-templates preview
astra-templates preview

WP Astra is my favorite WordPress theme. it is one of the most popular WordPress theme available in the market. it was designed by Indian Company based in Pune.

Every one loves WP Astra because of its attractive designs which takes blogs to the next level.

Nearly 1 Millions websites are powered with WP Astra.

Everyone loves and employed it on their blogs and business websites because of its flexibility, light weight graphics and fast loading speed.

As a beginner, If you want to take your blog content to high level authority, WP Astra is perfect, you don’t have to look back.

It is available in three pricing model such Individual, Small Business, Large businesses. You can the pricing here 

2. StudioPress -Make you Expert


StudioPress is used by the Industry experts. It suits you if you desire to portrait you as Industry expert of your niche. StudioPress works well with personal branding goals in any industry.

You can change the look of your blog with single click installation. It is available with Genesis Frames, Codeblock and mobile responsive designs.

You will have hundreds of pre-built themes related to every industry, you can use as per your wish.

Have a glance about the features and prices in detailed here 

3.Divi Themes- Most resourceful themes for bloggers:

Divi themes preview image


It was crafted and developed by Elegant themes.

Elegant themes team developed Divi themes as All in one blog customization tool which is more than a themes.

With the help of Divi page builder, you can design any complicated design with just Drag and Drop functions.

Freelancers, Agency and authority bloggers uses Divi Themes to make their blog or website more elegant with CTA forms, Sliders and advanced animation controls.

It is power packed with 800+ well crafted page layout which you can use to light up your website look.

Another benefit of Divi theme is you don’t have to pour extra bucks to purchase page builders like Elementor, WP bakery etc.,

To come out of any confusion clouds inside your head, Please visit Divi theme feature page.

These are the best WordPress themes for bloggers who are beginner and want to get professional look and authority to their blogs.

I hope this article will help you to decide and select one among the above themes for your blogger.

I will give 100% assurance in terms of satisfaction with themes features.

Hope, you will like them and ALL THE BEST for your blogging journey.

Thank you and Signing off

Prathap Reddy

Digital marketing Consultant and Professional blogger.

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