Best SEO plugin for WordPress: Yoast SEO Plugin Review

Subject: Yoast SEO plugin Review

Hey Friends,

I know you are waiting for another useful post from me.

In this article, I am going to give you a clear idea about which SEO plugin is best for your WordPress website.

I know you are confused with all the options available in the Google search results.

Choosing the perfect SEO plugin will make or break your website’s future.

A lot of websites are not using any SEO plugin on their websites. I think they are not doing any digital marketing or search engine ranking for their websites.

But If you are trying to make money from blogging or affiliate marketing or trying to build traffic with a goal to generate leads, you should have an SEO plugin that will guide you on optimizing your content under Google and user-friendly guidelines.

Throughout this post, I am going to discuss and analyze the Pros and Cons of the Yoast SEO plugin

Before discussing the features, Pros, and Cons of the Yoast SEO plugin. Let’s questions ourselves “Why do we need an SEO plugin for our website? “

With the availability of beautiful website builders, everyone providing beautiful websites for their users. Due to that, the competition between websites to rank on top of the results has increased.

To rank out the competitor’s websites, we need a weapon that helps us to optimize the content we create, keywords we used, anchor tag, images, URLs, information architecture we used to organize the content in human-readable and lovable format .,

The Weapons which make website optimization simple and easy called SEO plugins. Without an SEO plugin, it is very difficult to SEO optimization mistakes we made while creating content.

Let’s Thank those who create the SEO plugin first and move on to the complete features, Pros, and cons of the respective SEO plugin.


1.Yoast SEO Plugin:

Yoast SEO plugin review
Yoast SEO plugin review

Yoast SEO plug-in’s first release was done 14 years ago by SEO consultant Joost de Valk.

It was developed and released as an ALL IN ONE SEO pack under the name of WordPress SEO which was later changed to Yoast SEO.

Yoast SEO plugin helping lots of beginners to understand SEO mistakes.

The analysis dashboard of the Yoast SEO plugin which reflection the mistakes in your mistakes as below. We can call it an SEO correction meter.


Yoast seo meter
Yoast SEO meter

Let’s see

Yoast SEO plugin features:

1.Keyword Optimisation:

You can optimize the keywords inside your article without spending time on it. It will count and calculate the keyword density of the content in real-time.

It will help you to optimize your keywords on the go.

Keyword Optimization in Yoast SEO

2. Readability :

Publishing well-written content is nothing If there is no readability. Most people don’t know  “What makes the content readable?”

but it is vital to engage the readers.

To increase the readability of the content, you should check the following factors in your content

  • Transition words
  • Sentence length
  • The right number of subheadings
  • Readiness ( How much easy to understand by high school students.

3.Complete SEO analysis:

Yoast SEO plugin analyzes each and every element of the content such as Title, Description, Focus keywords, Internal and external links inside the content in order to give well-optimized content.

4. Available in multiple languages:

It supports multiple language contents such as English, Dutch, German, French, Russian, Italian, Spanish, Swedish, Portuguese, Polish, Arabic, HebrewHungarian, Norwegian, Turkish, and Indonesian & more languages to come!.

It will give freedom to create your content in local languages without having tensions about How to optimize your regional language content according to Google guidelines.

5. Perfect Communication with Google:

It tells Google perfectly What your webpage is about? it helps to index your website fast and serve the right set of audiences.

6. No more Outdated content:

Yoast SEO gives notifications about outdated content which are not updated last 6 months though regular scanning.

7. Zero Duplicate content:

Canonical URL features help Google not to confused about duplicate content.

8.Redirect URL Manager:

It helps you to redirect the old URL to a new URL without losing the visitors because of 404 errors.

9.Automate Post publish:

Yoast SEO plugin helps you to automate the blog post publishing process by integrating the plugin with the zapier automation tool. Zapier automation tool supports around 2000+ platforms.

10. Controlling content Invisible to Search Engine:

You can hide or show pages such as promotional landing pages, author bio, archives pages, etc., from the search engine.

It can allow you to control the visibility of your website content to the search engine.

11.Auto Sitemap generation:

It will generate a sitemap and submit it to the search engines like Google, Bing automatically without any additional works.

12.Search console Integration:

You can see your website health and analytics on the WordPress dashboard by integrating Yoast SEO with search console

along with the mandatory features for the sake of SEO benefits, Yoast SEO power charged with the following features

  • Content protection from Scraping curation website
  • Options to edit robot and .htaccess file, you don’t need to login into the FTP account

All the above-mentioned features help you to optimize your website content without any hassle.

Pricing of Yoast SEO:

The pricing of the Yoast SEO premium plugin worth your money because of its power-packed features, good customer support, and valuable SEO tutorials that help you to gain complete and up-to-date knowledge about the SEO game.

If you cannot afford the premium plugin, you can use the free version which is enough to do SEO for blogs, medium-range websites.

Pros and Cons of Yoast SEO:

  • Free SEO training course
  • Regular updates
  • Spoon feed like analytics and SEO errors optimization
  • Simple and easy to use
  • Real-time analysis
  • Zapier integration feature for automation
  • Good customer support
  • As a user for 5 years, I found no cons in this plugin.

Final Verdict:

If you have a budget to offer a premium plugin, buying will be your best decision. If you cannot offer a premium one, Yoast SEO free version enables with required SEO features for blogs and medium-range website.

The only reason WHY I AM RECOMMENDING THIS PLUGIN to you is It didn’t face a single issue for 5 years.

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