GetResponse Review (2023)- Features, Pricing, Pros and Cons

Subject: GetResponse Review including Pros and Cons

If you are rolling your eyes on search results to find the best review of the Getresponse email marketing tool, you succeed in finding the best article on getrespoonse

Email marketing tool review 2024
Email marketing tool review 2024

If you are a beginner who is looking to start building your email list, you should read this review from TOP to BOTTOM to know exactly whether it suits your requirement.

It took nearly one month to write this review about the GetResponse email marketing tool.

I believe writing a review without knowing about the tool is cheating people. So I create a FREE TRIAL ACCOUNT WITH THE GetResponse and used it to promote one of my affiliate marketing products from the Landing page to Email automation.

In this article, I will take you to a complete analysis of the GetResponse Email marketing tool to understand whether its suits your business requirement or You should choose another alternative available in the market.

Let’s go into the Analysis

My Rating: 4.3/5

It is very difficult to pick the Best Email marketing tool from tens of email marketing tools.  I think you probably hear about GetResponse from online entrepreneurs.

I will give you clarity about whether Getresponse worth your money.

In this article, I will discuss the pricing, pros, and cons of the GetResponse. Let’s go into

Highlights of the article:

  • Overview of the GetResponse
  • Evaluation of its Prices and features
  • Reasons Why should you choose GetResponse?
  • Best offers among GetResponse plan
  • Best alternatives to Getresponse email marketing tool
  • Conclusion

By the end of this post, you will completely understand “What is Get response?”, “getResponse features?” etc.,

Let’s begin the article with important questions about the topic

What is the GetResponse Email Marketing tool?

What is getresponse-getresponse review 2024
What is getresponse-getresponse review 2024

Simply to define GetResponse, you can call it a tool that makes you free from email marketing tasks through automation.

Things you can automate with the getResponse tool. 

  1. Building a strong audience or customer base through email capturing forms
  2. Maintaining a strong relationship with your audience through regular automated emails.
  3. Delivering Lead magnets to the customers through autoresponder 24 X 7

In the life of Digital marketers, Affiliate marketers, Email marketing is like a money-printing machine. Through automation, they are generating passive income through personalized sales emails.

As competition is increasing in the market of email automation tools, getResponse changed its focus to deliver ALL IN ONE tool with features to capture emails through lead magnets, webinar hosting and complete sales funnel setup options.

When it comes to the business history of GetResponse, it started the email marketing services in 1998 and raised its customer base from ZERO to 3500000+ till now which includes individuals such as Digital marketers, affiliate marketers, and businesses.

What are the features of GetReponse Email Marketing tools?

Whatever the product or service, we buy, first, we check the features. Features are the things that give complete information about customer needs and product features that fulfill the need.

getresponse features-getresponse review 2024 features
getresponse features-getresponse review 2024 features

As a beginner, you might know or not about What are your needs to build and maintain successful email marketing campaigns?.


Here, I am going to share the completes features available on Getresponse that fulfill every need of a successful email marketing campaign.

Let’s roll our eyes through characteristics of Get Response

There are nearly 80+ features available on GetResponse, so to make it clear and concise, I am grouping features that help to complete specific stages of building a successful email marketing campaign into multiple categories.

The category which comes first is

1.Email Marketing Features

We cannot run an email marketing campaign with just an automation tool, you need the following features inside that automation tool to make your email marketing effective.

a.Email Creator:

Emails are the first things that a customer sees before landing on your sales page. Having an ugly and ineffective email format which will make your audience leave your sale or rapport mail without going through it.

So, to make your email content attractive and effective, you need an email creator which has the capacity to build responsive and pixel-perfect.

GetResponse email creator provides you the drag and drops functionality to the customers which gave complete freedom to create high-quality designed email without any coding and designing skill.


Autoresponder is important to deliver the emails as per event-based and lead nurturing process. Getresponse autoresponder helps you to design the process of lead capturing to lead closing through automating a series of email sequences with an eye bird view scheduling of the emails.

c.Email analytics:

Through email analytics of the getResponse, you can check out who opened your email, simply everything about your email marketing.

d.Transactional Email:

You can deliver order confirmations, receipts, notifications, and more.

e.List management

You can segregate all the email lists based on the email campaign type and activities like uploading the leads, assigning tags based on campaign type, etc.,

2.Landing pages:

a.Single click Facebook pixel integration :

You can easily integrate the Facebook pixel on your landing page through a single click and helps you can track the ROI of the Facebook ads

b. Sign forms:

GetResponse enabled its landing pages with drag and drop signup forms like lead magnet download options. it helps you capture leads of your visitors

c. Popup integration:

To increase the conversion of the web pages, Pop will play a vital role in the landing page. Getresponse developed pop functionalities with time base pop, exit pop-up options that help your customer’s information before they live your page.

d. Countdown timer:

In the marketing field, there is a statement called

“To increase conversion, generate the scarcity”.

Through counter timer on the landing page, you can create FOMO( “Fear of Missing out”) and make them take your desired call to action such as email submission, purchases, etc.,

e.eCommerce tools:

You can integrate your landing page with e-commerce platforms like Shopify, Bigcommerce, and many other platforms and promote a product directly on your landing pages.

Few other features of GetReponse automatic email marketing tools are

  • Marketing automation
  • Webinar
  • Conversion funnel
  • Paid Ads
  • Web push notifications
  • Live chat integrations etc

You’ll get a clear view of the above features if you check features on the getresponse landing page

What is the pricing of the GetReponse Email marketing tool?

GetResponse is available in 4 pricing models. They are

  1. Basic
  2. Plus
  3. Professional
  4. Max

Getresponse gave access to all the features in each package but there is a limit in the quantity.

For example, In the basic package, you have access to collect only 1000 contact in your email list, If you want to collect more customer email details, you have to upgrade the package to Professional or max.

You can check out the packages and pricing of the getResponse here

If you are a beginner, I will suggest you go with a one-month trial version first to learn How to use get response in your campaign, then you can upgrade the package basic until you reach 1000 subscribers.


What is the best get response alternatives available in the market? 

There are hundreds of email marketing tools available in the market at the best prices along with the getresponse. Based on the need, people are choosing one among them. The alternative email marketing tools available in the market are



3.Convert kit

4.Mail chimp


6.Active campaign and many more.

The above-mentioned email marketing tools are the best tools used by most industry experts. Most of the experts started their careers with getResponse.


Whatever the features, pricing, and statements about the tools, everyone wants the final decision, takeover about the review. Here it is

According to my experience of working with getresponse. I am giving my buying suggestions in two sections as follow

Reason to purchase Get response:

  • Affordable price when compared with other email marketing tools
  • Available for one month free trial without credit card that helps to know about the tool without any expenses
  • Interactive tutorials that help you to learn easily without any technical support
  • All In one tool for the entire campaign
  • Used by lots of Industry experts

Reason not to purchase Get response:

  • You have to upgrade your package once you reach the 1000 subscriber list
  • Little bit tuff to design mobile responsive landing pages for beginners


Final verdict about the purchase decision:

If you are a beginner to email marketing, I will suggest you purchase it mainly because of the cost-effectiveness and you don’t have to invest in other tools like email tracking, autoresponder separately.


Please check the offers available with the getresponse below

Offers on getresponse email marketing tool

I hope this post helps you in making purchase decisions about the getresponse email marketing tool. Please share on social media sites like FacebookInstagram if you like the work

Thank you


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