The show, which stars Melissa Roxburgh, Josh Dallas, J.R. Ramirez, Luna Blaise, Ty Doran, Parveen Kaur, Matt Long, Holly Taylor, and Daryl Edwards, follows the passengers on a rough flight who discover five years have passed and they now have magical powers upon arrival.
"Two years after Grace's horrible murder turned their lives upside down," the streaming service said in a news statement Sunday.
"Ben has stepped down as co-captain of the lifeboat, leaving Michaela to captain it alone, a near impossible task given that the passengers' every move is now being tracked by a government register.
As the Death Date approaches and the passengers become desperate for a way out, a mysterious passenger arrives with a package for Cal that changes everything they know about Flight 828 and will prove to be the key to unlocking the Callings' secret in this compelling, mind-bending, and deeply emotional journey."
After NBC cancelled Manifest, Netflix announced last summer that it has renewed it for a fourth and final season. It going release on 4 th November