Is it available on Netflix ?
Is it available on Netflix ?
As we know, everyone like Game of thrones
As we know, everyone like Game of thrones
and the Fans are not satisfied with end of Game of thrones
and the Fans are not satisfied with end of Game of thrones
Game of thrones team came up with its prequel.
Game of thrones team came up with its prequel.
Which is
House of Dragon
Which is
House of Dragon
The review of House of Dragon is good
The review of House of Dragon is good
Every GOT fan want to watch it but the issue is
Every GOT fan want to watch it but the issue is
HBO released it as HBO originals
HBO released it as HBO originals
SO It is not available on Netflix
SO It is not available on Netflix
As the demand for it increases, Netflix will buy its streaming rights
As the demand for it increases, Netflix will buy its streaming rights
Hope, we will see it on netflix soon
Hope, we will see it on netflix soon
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